Think of yesterday for a moment if you will
All the happenings
All the chatter in your mind
All of the baseless self-judgment
All the things that distorted you from your natural harmony
That pulled you away from the seat of your heart.
Most of those things are gone.
Except for that which is quintessential
That which points you back to yourself
That is ever-present and timeless
But all things born of the mind, and person, and situations, and all sorts of different contexts
Are gone
Just the fundamental love that is the fragrance of your being remains. That which matters and the continuity of your beingness, awareness, that is ever-present.
But the stories, the pictures, the noise all comes and goes like passing clouds.
Sometimes we forget our fundamental nature
We forget to live now, blissfully
We are easily pulled into the static noise of our human experience
The delusion
Once we begin to realize that every moment we are expanding in consciousness by grace
By grace, because grace is just another word for what you are.
We start to understand that the layer behind the observation. The layer of intention is where YOU truly reside.
We return to this remembering by seeking silence.
Not to shut off the mind, but to allow the noise to occur without becoming engaged within it.
What is the value of silence?
Silence is the mirror to your being
Try just for one minute today to sit in silence not forcefully. Sit gracefully, allowing all that is occurring to occur without judgment.
Big love
Much buoyancy
The Float Society