So you have a float session coming up at The Float Society and you are wondering how to get the most out of your experience.
By floating in warm water combined with Epsom Salts and closed pod technology, people can reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and experience general relaxation on an entirely different plane. In this blog post, we'll explore exactly how to maximize your floatation therapy experience by sharing practices that have certainly helped us become even more connected with our inner peace.
1. Prepare properly by abstaining from caffeine before your float
2. Set an intention for your floatation session, such as relaxation or self-reflection
3. Incorporate visualization exercises during your float to engage your mind and body
4. Take deep breaths throughout the float to stay focused on the present moment
5. Play peaceful music that resonates with you during the float or request to keep the lights on during your session
6. Request to sit with hape medicine before your session. Hape has an incredible intelligence to ground you before your session and has been a powerful catalyst for entering deep states of meditation for many of our members.
7. Come with an open mind and a willingness to relax.
Prepare properly by abstaining from caffeine before your float:
When preparing for a float session, abstaining from caffeine is a crucial step. It is important to ensure that this part of your preparation process is not overlooked; eliminating or significantly reducing caffeine intake will help set the tone for the experience. Not doing so could have an adverse impact on your session by resulting in heightened physical sensations due to an increased heart rate and adrenaline rush. Eliminating caffeine in advance also allows you to clear your head, relax more deeply, and reap all the benefits of a float session.
Set an intention for your floatation session, such as relaxation or self-reflection:
Setting an intention for your floatation session can be a powerful tool to ensure you reap the maximum benefits of this unique experience. Whether it's relaxation, self-reflection, or something else, deciding exactly what you wish to achieve from floating will help keep you focused on the desired outcome during your session. The state of sensory deprivation that results from floating offers an intimate opportunity to observe, contemplate and answer any questions that you come up with without distractions from the outside world. For many, setting an intention helps them to relax further and makes every minute in their float tank more meaningful. Regardless of what intention you set for yourself before entering the cabin, chances are you'll leave feeling recharged and deeply at peace with yourself.
Incorporate visualization exercises during your float to engage your mind and body:
Practicing visualization exercises during a float session can be an incredibly powerful tool for achieving a state of deep relaxation and inner awareness. This is because visualizing yourself in peaceful, serene environments while allowing your body to drift becomes a synchronous effort between your mind and body. It is an opportunity to imagine creative scenarios and engage with positive affirmations. The picture you might create in your mind's eye — whether it be on a beach or surrounded by mountains — acts as an anchor point that helps you align both the physical and mental space with inner peace. So, if you are looking to get the most out of your float experience, it can be highly beneficial to allow yourself to explore the world of visualization while being mindful of your breath.
Breathing deeply is a huge component of the flotation therapy experience and can be used to help bring one's focus back to the present moment. Taking time with each inhale and exhale helps to encourage relaxation, allowing tension and stress in your body to melt away. Flotation happens in an isolated environment-- perfect for tuning in to the movement of your breath without any external distractions. As you become more conscious of your breathing pattern, it can act as an anchor to your presence, so that you don’t get lost or distracted from what is happening around you or inside your head. Focusing on each breath creates a calming, mindful experience that allows you to take full advantage of all that floatation therapy has to offer.
Play peaceful music that resonates with you during the float or request to keep the lights on during your session:
Request to keep the light and sound on for the full duration or a portion of your float session. The music helps drop you into a deeply meditative state. We also provide true sensory deprivation at the float society.
Hape is a plant medicine that comes from the Amazon. It is known to have grounding effects on the mind and body and can be an excellent addition to your pre-float ritual. Hape is often used as a catalyst for deep meditation and can help you get the most out of your session.
Come with an open mind:
Finally, it's essential to come to your floatation session with an open mind and a willingness to relax. Let go of any expectations and allow yourself to enjoy the experience. Remember, floatation therapy is a unique and individual experience, and what works for one person may not work for another. Be open to trying new things and experimenting with what works best for you.
Floating at The Float Society is a truly unique and blissful experience. Be sure to give yourself some time to read through these tips and tricks to make the most out of your experience.
In conclusion, floatation therapy is a powerful tool for relaxation, meditation, pain relief, and self-reflection. By following these seven tips, you can prepare yourself for a successful floatation therapy session. Remember to approach your session with an open mind, set an intention, and focus on your breath and visualization exercises to get the most out of your experience.
If you have any other questions please reach out HERE!